Monday, July 27, 2015

Despondent story of Dr. Sulayman Berjis killed and mutilated by Muslim mob in Kashan - داستان غم انگيز شهادت دكتر سليمان برجيس توسط توده مسلمانان در كاشان

 Despondent story of Dr. Sulayman Berjis killed and mutilated by Muslim mob in Kashan 

داستان غم انگيز شهادت دكتر سليمان برجيس توسط توده مسلمانان در كاشان

Despondent story of Dr. Sulayman Berjis
killed and mutilated by Muslim mob in Kashan

He was a well known physician in the city of Kashan, a central city in Iran. He was a convert from Jewish into Baha'i and was always ready to serve his countrymen from any walk of life, rich, poor, Muslim, Jew, or Baha'i. It is said that he did not charge the humble people and on the contrary he gave them free medicine from the drug store he had next to his clinic and office. Everybody loved him and he was a very happy man enjoying his acts of service to human kind.

It was almost 8 years when the young Shah-Muhammad Reza Pahlevi- had inherited the crown from his father Reza Shah who had been exiled to Mauritius on the order of the Allied forces who had occupied Iran previously, following the world war II. The young Shah on the contrary of his predecessor was a weak and coward ruler who cared very much to give the clergy more respect and authority than permitted in the Constitution so he was very pleasing with the demands of the Ayatollahs and granted them anything in order not to provoke their ire and vengeance.

The success of Dr. Berjis and his popularity among the people drew the jealousy of the clergy who in clandestine meetings voted to have him eliminated and unanimously issued a Fatwa for his head. The Fatwa is a religious decree and in that case it was issued by Ayatollah Gharavi. The apparent motive would be that his service to the community was a cover up to teach his Faith and draw the innocent believers into the outlawed sect (Baha'i).

Two men, who were around 18 years old, went to his clinic when he was attending patients and told him that they had a very critical patient in a nearby neighborhood and begged him to go with them to heal him. He said that he already had about 8 patients waiting for consultations and the two men had to wait until he finished seeing them all. But they insisted that their patient's condition was very critical and he might die at any minute. So he gave in and got his bag and went with them.

When they got there, he found no patient and instead there were other men with knives in their hands. They attacked him right there with cries of Allah akbar or "There is no god but Allah". They stabbed him 81 times and he fell bleeding. Then to make sure he would not survive they cut him into pieces and then took to the streets shouting Allah Akbar and other Islamic chants celebrating their crime. They all went to the Police and proudly declared they had fulfilled the Fatwa of their religious masters to punish an infidel who had dared to teach his faith to ignorant and naive Muslims. Totally they were 8 assassins who were taken into custody and were ordered to wait for a fair trial.
On the next morning many Mullahs mobbed in front of the court manifesting their anger for the arrest of their innocent friends. A lawyer who questioned the gang asked them who stabbed him first and they said all did it at the same time and there was no single person who started it, to avoid punishment on one. The lawyer who represented the family of Dr. Berjis later said that it seemed like they had all been advised what to say and repeat the same allegation, that they all attacked him simultaneously
So that the punishment be distributed on them equally.
To their surprise, they learned that the pressure of the mob outside was so high that the court consulting with other authorities of the judiciary power decided to acquit them and let them walk out 17 days after the trial started for fear of a big revolt and greater grievance.
Ayatollahs had done their job. They wrote letters to the authorities and to the Shah and asked his intervention to let go the Innocents who had done nothing but complying their religious duty.
The grand Ayatollahs involved were: Ayatollah Kashani, Ayatollah Broujerdi, Ayatollah Behbahani and Mohammad Taqi Falsafi who a couple of years later was the main inciter of unrest that ended in the demolition of the Baha'i center of Tehran.
Many more ayatollah and religious leaders from major cities of the country cabled the judiciary power and even the Shah to release immediately their peers.
The murderers received no punishment and on the contrary were cheered and welcomed with great ovation on their release. The religious leaders ordered massive celebration and parties for their heroes who did their best to fulfill a religious duty.
The lawyer of the Berjis Family said later that he was threatened to death if he kept harassing and questioning the accused murderers.
Dr. Berjis was fifty four years old when he was martyred.
He was a devout Baha'i and the coordinator of the local spiritual assembly. He had descended from a Jewish background and guided many more Jews into the Faith.

Years later his son became a famous doctor too.

Association of the medical doctors protest!

In an open letter the medical association of physicians of Iran wrote a letter to the Shah and complained of the lax behavior of the court, where a mob who confessed to killing and mutilating a respectable innocent doctor esteemed by all in Kashan were acquitted without punishment. They demanded that the murderers be recaptured and put to jail. But Shah was more loyal to the clergy as they had baptized him as the leader of the Shiites all over the world and that his duty was to vie for the interest of the Shiites wherever they were, no matter, from Persia, Iraq or Lebanon. So he gave in every plea from the clergy to honor his title as the leader of the Shiites worldwide.

6 major newspaper and magazines of that time more or less published the news as told here, sticking to the truth and criticizing the judiciary process and policy.

The accounts of the newspapers after the Islamic revolution when reviewing the matter is now quite different. The story these days the newspapers in Iran say is that,
"A Baha'i doctor whose certificates seemed to be false and who never studied formal medicine in any university committed apostasy. He taught his outlawed and misled sect to over a 100 ignorant Muslims giving them free medicines to deceive them, and if they did not become Baha'is he would poison them, and there are witnesses he raped eight of his patients.

So the college of the Mullahs gathered together and voted for the revolutionary elimination of him to make it a lesson for other members of the misled sect to stop deceiving the poor Muslims.
Fortunately the activities of our brave leaders in the past bore fruits and the hero youth who put him to death were triumphantly saved and were fully rewarded."
For example the Kayhan in 1988 printed the story as:
(In June 1988, Kayhan published Haj Rasoul Zadeh's obituary as having been a devout Muslim and a true follower of Navab Safavi, who had engaged in the heroic act of killing a Zionist element in Kashan!) then cut his throat.

Dr. Berjis had done nothing wrong. In fact, he was an exemplary citizen and a dedicated doctor in a place where his services were much needed. He had saved lives and was in the prime of his life (he was only 54 when he died) but he lost his own life because he was a Baha’i.
The hardship of the Baha'is did not start from the foundation of the Islamic republic of Iran. It started from the birth of the Faith and in some years it was eased but then again it has gone to its peak in the recent years.
We are certain that the Cause of God will prevail and the truth shall overcome.

 — with Ashraf BashiriBehrooz PayamipourFiruz Kazemzadeh and 46 others.

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  • Farzin Dustdar
    تا کی به انتظار قیامت توان نشست....برخیز تا با هم هزاران قیامت بپانیم....
  • Tasavie Hoghogh heart emoticon
    Like · Reply · 1 · 8 hours ago
  • Soheila Tavangar (سخن آشنا )
    دکتر سلیمان برجیس اهل کاشان در حدود ۵۰ سال از عمرش می ‌گذشت. او تا ۱۶ دی ماه سال (۱۳۲۸) عضو وزارت بهداری بوده و در بهداری شهرستان کاشان انجام وظیفه می‌کرده‌ است. سلیمان برجیس علاوه بر مطبّ دارای داروخانه هم بود و اغلب بیماران بی بضاعت را مجّاناً پذیرفته و به آنها داروی رایگان می داد . می‌گویند حتّیٰ به بیماران تنگدست پول هم می‌داده و روی همین اصل در آن شهرستان به نیک نامی معروف و مورد احترام عموم بود . 

    حوالی ساعت ۱۱ صبح ۱۴ بهمن ماه دو نفر بنام عبّاس توسّلی و علی نقی پور به مطبّ دکتر برجیس آمده اظهار می ‌دارند: 

    آقای دکتر دست ما و دامن شما. مریضی داریم که حالش خیلی بد است. خواهشمندیم قدم رنجه بفرمائید و به عیادت او بیائید. در آن موقع هفت هشت نفر مریض در مطبّ نشسته و منتظر نوبت بوده‌اند.

    دکتر سلیمان برجیس جواب می‌دهد مانعی ندارد امّا اجازه بفرمائید این چند نفر را راه بیاندازم آنگاه با هم به عیادت بیمار شما می‌رویم. ولی آن دو نفر التماس و اصرار کرده تأخیر را موجب مرگ بیمار می‌دانند.دکتر برجیس با آنها می ‌رود. در منزل اثری از بیمار نبوده‌ است. او را با ۸۱ ضربۀِ مهلک از پای درمی‌آورند.شخصی به نام رسول زاده گلوی دکتر برجیس را می‌بُرد. 
    بعد از این عمل فجیع که در کمترجایی از جهان سابقه داشته، قاتلین در بازار فریاد می‌کنند ما یک نفر کافر را کشتیم و خودرا به شهربانی معرّفی می‌کنند. 
    خبرنگار قضائی روزنامه، علّت قتل را تنها یک علّت و آن هم تعصّبِ مذهبی می ‌نامد. قاتلین خود علّت قتل را در بازجویی بواسطۀ تعصّبات مذهبی توضیح داده‌اند. کانون پزشکان ایران نامه سرگشاده‌ای به شاه می‌نویسند و شدیداً به قتل سلیمان برجیس اعتراض می‌کنند و از او می‌خواهند «تا محرّکین و عاملین این قتل خونین هرچه زودتر به شدیدترین کیفرها برسند و عناصر ماجراجو و جانی را درس عبرتی باشد.

    ما در قرن بیستم و یکم زندگی می‌کنیم که عقاید مذهبی بعنوان یک اصل مسلّم و حقّ تزلزل ناپذیر برای همه مردم جهان به رسمیّت شناخته شده‌است. چنین صفحات شرم آور را که حاکی از کشتار انسانها بر بهانه‌های مذهبی باشد فقط می‌توان در دورۀ بربریّت و دورۀ تاریک قرون وسطائی جستجو کرد و در دوره کنونی بشریّت مترقّی از اینگونه عملیّات ننگ دارد.
    هم‌ میهنان ما از هر دسته و گروه و عقیده مذهبی بایستی حقّ مسلّمِ دیگر هم میهنان خودرا به آزادی عقاید مذهبی بشناسند و عملاً قدمی بر ضدّ این اصل تردید ناپذیر برندارند. در دوره امروزی راه انداختن نزاع و کشتارهای مذهبی در مملکت‌های مستعمره و نیم مستعمره فقط برای پست نشان دادن آنها و جاودانی ساختن استعمار آنها و تأمین تسلّطِ مستعمره طلبان عملی می‌شود و همه آنهائی که به استقلال و ترقّی و آزادی میهن خود علاقه دارند باید از این تشبّثات شرم آور خود را بر حذر نگاه دارند و مرتکب عملیّاتی که قبل از همه ضررش بتمام کشور خواهد خورد نگردند.
    Like · Reply · 27 · 11 hours ago
  • Faran Rouhani
    شماری از روجانیون از قبیل آیه‌الله بهبهانی، آیه‌الله سید ابوالقاسم کاشانی، آیه‌الله میرزا محمد فیض، آیه‌الله احمد علی احمدی، محمدتقی فلسفی جانب دستگیرشدگان را می‌گیرند و از آنان به عنوان مردان ایمان و عمل یاد می‌کنند.
    گفته شده که آیت الله سید حسین طباط
    ...See More
    Like · Reply · 18 · 5 hours ago
  • Freidoun Kafaei
    داستان غمبار «دکتر سلیمان برجیس» از سیرت ظالمان و تیغ مرتجعان پرده برداشته و از قتل های زنجیره ای و ترورهای پیش و بعد از آن، رازگشائی می ‌کند.
    Like · Reply · 7 · 6 hours ago
  • Jamileh Imeni Badiei
    داستان شهادت دكتر برجيس را بارها و بارها در دوران كودكي كه در شهر كاشان زندگي مي كردم از زبان مادرم شنيده بودم ، مادرم هميشه مي گفت در ان روزي كه دشمنان به مطب دكتر رفته بودند عده اي ديگر به منزل ما امدند به دنبال پدر كه در كاشان تاجر فرش بودند ولي او در منزل نبود. پدر هميشه مي گفت من لايق اين مقام نبودم .
    ياد شهداي امر مبارك و جانبازي ان عزيزان راه حق بايد هميشه در اين عالم زنده باشد .
    Like · Reply · 5 · 3 hours ago
  • Faraji Bagha
    الله ابهی .... یا بهاء الابهی
    Like · Reply · 3 · 10 hours ago
  • Ali Ahmed Mehrban
    حضرت عبدالبهاء ميفرمايند :

    ” حالا که خدا بانسان چنين قوّه و استعدادی عنايت فرموده که خرق عالَم طبيعت کند حيف است اين موهبت را در امور مضرّه تلف نمايد . حيف است در بُغض و عداوت مجری دارد . حيف است در ظلم و تعدّی صرف نمايد …” 

    (ص ٧١ قسمت اوّل مجموعه خطابات)
    Like · Reply · 3 · 4 hours ago
  • Iskandar Alborzi
    حضرت بهاءاللّه ميفرمايند :

    ” ای ظالمان ارض از ظلم دست خود را کوتاه نمائيد که قسم ياد نموده‌ام از ظلم احدی نگذرم و اين عهدی است که در لوح محفوظ محتوم داشتم و بخاتم عزّ مختوم “.

    (ق ٦٤ کلمات مکنونه)
    Like · Reply · 3 · 4 hours ago
  • Mo Chaboki
    داستان بسیار غم انگیزی است . متاسفانه هنوز شاهد چنین جنایاتی که صرفا از تعصب ناشی می شوند در ایران هستیم . ممنون که به اشتراک گذاشتید .
    Like · Reply · 2 · 4 hours ago
  • Azizollah Bayat
    متهمان به قتل پس از خروج از دادگستری تهران، مورد استقبال هزاران نفر از روحانیون و مردم ‌قرار می‌گیرند و آنها را به منزل آیت‌الله خوانساری و آیت‌الله کاشانی می‌برند. یکی دو روز بعد هم راهی کاشان می‌شوند و در کاشان برایشان سنگ تمام می‌گذارند. در کاشان از آنان استقبال بسیار گرمی به عمل می‌آید. 
    «در این حادثه، آیت‌الله بروجردی پشتیبانی بسیاری از متهمین کرد. ایشان در جواب نامه مرحوم فلسفی که در این‌باره وساطت کرده، حمایت نمود و اعلام کرد که به این عده نباید صدمه بخورد.» 
    از فردی که اکنون زنده است و آنزمان را به یاد داشته ؛ شنمیده شده است که برخی که خودشان اهل نماز و روزه بودند، هیج نسبتی هم با بهائیان نداشتند اما به کاردآجین شدن برجیس به نام دین مبین معترض بودند از کوره به در رفته، دشنام می‌دادند و اینجا و آنجا می‌گفتند: قم بهتره یا کاشون، لعنت به هر دوتاشون...
    Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hours ago
  • Sabet Sarwestani
    اللهم اشغل الظالمين بالظالمين. خدايا ظالمها را برظالمها مسلط كن
    See Translation
  • Hedayat Najafzadeh
    با سپاس ... درود
  • Ashraf Bashiri
    ﻋﺠﺐ ﺻﺒﺮﯼ ﺧﺪﺍ ﺩﺍﺭﺩ ....... ﺗﺎ ﺑﻪ ﮐﯽ ﺍﯾﻦ ﻇﻠﻢ ﺍﺩﺍﻣﻪ ﺧﻮﺍﻫﺪ ﺩﺍﺷﺖ
    Like · Reply · 3 · 8 hours ago
  • Habibollah Babolian
    در کاشان هیئتی بنام هیئت دعاةِ اسلامی منتسب به انجمن تبلیغات اسلامی بوجودآمده بود ؛اشخاصی که در این هئیت مصدرکار بودند به هیچ وجه صلاحیّت آنرا نداشتند و اعمال خلافی بنام دین اسلام و شرع مقدّس انجام می‌دادند. این اشخاص یک عدّه آدم ماجراجو و بیکاره را تحریک می‌کردند که بهائیان را در معرضِ عام اذیّت کنند. سرهنگ فاطمی رئیس شهربانی به شکایات بهائیان ترتیب اثر نمی داد . در جلسات سرّیِ این هیئت، توطئه قتل سلیمان برجیس چیده می‌شود.
  • Manoochehr Ghodsian rouhash shad va yadash baraye hamishe dar dele tarikh va deleh ensanhaye monsef baghi va bar gharar khahad mand
  • Manoochehr Ghodsian taasob maghame insaniat ra ta hade yek haivan tanazol midahad va ensan ra kor, kar ., nadan , va sahebe har che sefat bad ast mikonad
  • Mitra Ansari heart emoticon heart emoticon heart emoticon ==========

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